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DuyHung Xuất sắc

Cấp bậc: Xuất sắc

Giới tính : Nam

Bài viết : 1276

Danh vọng : 2288

Uy tín : 32

Switch from DD-WRT to OpenWrt in under 30 minutes

DD-WRT is a really nice way to free your router. It has a polished web interface, gives you far greater control than most proprietary firmware, and is supported on a large number of devices. I would still recommend it for people who want to take a step up to some more advanced networking, and want a sleek web GUI front-end to do so.

Chuyển từ DD-WRT sang OpenWrt không đầy 30 phút T5_2rpqd
Having said that, I just switched to OpenWrt, and love it!

This post explains why I switched, and how to do it.

Why OpenWrt?

So what is OpenWrt and why did I even try it if DD-WRT is so good? OpenWrt, like DD-WRT, is a free (libre) GNU/Linux distribution for routers. Both DD-WRT and OpenWrt have free software licences, and even share some of the same code. The major difference between the two is the approach to building a working system:

DD-WRT comes with as many features as possible installed by default. It is a complete “cathedral”, and hopes to be everything you would ever want or need.

OpenWrt is more like a bazaar: by default it comes with commonly required modules, and you can add any extras you want through an easy package manager. By choosing the bits that best suit your usage case, you can build your own cathedral!

Just to reassure you that it doesn’t require tons of effort: when I first booted OpenWrt it had everything I needed to get connected to my modem, use wifi, a nice web interface etc. The kind of things you may like to add “from the bazaar” are printer/scanner servers, adblockers, and other extras.

Easy Package Management

While it’s possible to add extra features to DD-WRT by using an external USB flash drive mounted on /opt (packages installed here are sometimes called “optware”), some packages expect to be installed in root and will kick up a fuss. It’s also an absolute PITA to set up.

In contrast, OpenWrt is built around easily adding modules. You should have a small amount of memory free for packages to begin with; even if you don’t, moving your entire installation to a USB stick is really easy, and gives you oodles of space to install all kinds of interesting packages.

Friendly Forum

DD-WRT has a forum, but in my experience it isn’t all that friendly for new users. The OpenWrt forum is a great place to get friendly answers and useful information.

Better Wiki

Much of the DD-WRT wiki is out of date, bloated and confusing for new users. Just reading and understanding all the recommended articles before installing for the first time takes a couple of hours. If you are not using Broadcom based hardware (my router has an Atheros chip), then much of this stuff is not relevant.

In contrast, OpenWrt has very good documentation that is up to date. Installation instructions are simple and to the point.

The Switcheroo

Here’s how to switch from DD-WRT to OpenWrt, the easy GUI way. It involves reverting to your manufacturer firmware, and then flashing OpenWrt from there. Be aware that there are a couple of other methods that would enable you to switch straight from DD-WRT to OpenWrt, but they require familiarity with the command line and I’m not going to cover them here.

Step 1: Download everything you need

This is kind of obvious, but important. You won’t have internet access during the process, and you don’t want the hassle of setting up the manufacturer firmware in-between DD-WRT and OpenWrt just to download OpenWrt.

Download the web revert file that will get you back to your manufacturer firmware from DD-WRT, from this thread on the DD-WRT forum (Note: you must be a member of the forum and logged in to see the files).

Download the correct version of OpenWrt by looking up your device on this table of hardware, and follow the links until you get a page like this. Download the recommended release (you want the factory version, not the sysupgrade.bin).
Optional: download the wiki pages for your device for offline viewing, just in case you need to check them during the process.

Step 2: Revert from DD-WRT to your factory firmware

Connect your computer to the router with an ethernet cable. Log in to your DD-WRT admin page ( and then upload the webrevert file you downloaded earlier. Wait for your router to flash the firmware and reboot itself.

Note that your admin page may change to or another address, so refreshing the web admin page after an upgrade may give you an error! Don’t panic!

Step 3: Flash OpenWrt

Now, find the firmware upgrade page on the web interface for your factory firmware, and flash the OpenWrt factory.bin file that you downloaded earlier.

When you reboot, visit the web GUI (LuCI) at The first time you visit this page you’ll be asked to set the root password. Once you have done this you can enable wireless (it is disabled by default so that only someone with physical access can set the root password). Now, set the connection settings for your modem, and customise any settings you had before, e.g. port forwarding.

Anddd… you’re done! It’s that simple.
DuyHung Xuất sắc

Cấp bậc: Xuất sắc

Giới tính : Nam

Bài viết : 1276

Danh vọng : 2288

Uy tín : 32

DD-WRT vs OpenWRT - OpenWRT For Me (usually)

First off, let me say some of this will come across as a rather negative review of dd-wrt and it isnt intended to be as such. At its core dd-wrt works quite well, but there are many bad cludges that it has developed that openwrt has steered clear of.

Chuyển từ DD-WRT sang OpenWrt không đầy 30 phút Tp-lin10
I've used dd-wrt for a long long time, and i've gotten alot of love out of it. OpenWRT i've been using for a while, but not as long as dd-wrt though i do consider myself to have roughly the same experience level in both. But i've come to love openwrt for the things it does right and what dd-wrt does very very badly.

First off, the base firmware of both is quite functional. If all you want is something that can do these things:

- PPPoE client (adsl router)
- Broadband client (cable access or whatever)
- WiFi Acces Point
- Basic port forwarding

DD-WRT has an edge here. As a simple home router firmware dd-wrt is very nice and very pretty. OpenWRT is less pretty (though the gui is very good) but it has been built alot more solid and there are less cludges to get those thing you wont find in a home router working.

Ultimately if i were to describe them both in a single sentence it would go like this:

- DD-WRT - pretty, functional, but very messy on the inside.
- OpenWRT - Built from beginning to end and well integrated.

Now as a guy who does alot of "enterprise" network and server stuff, OpenWRT's interface is much more useful to me (though if you can drive dd-wrt for those 3 basic things above, you could drive openwrt with a similar ease).

I have (at home) 4 wifi-routers, 3 of them run dd-wrt. but the purpose of thoes 3 is simple:

- Provide constant wifi around the house
- Provied a 5-port gig hub at every location
- DD-WRT does that brilliantly and the control you get over wifi is light-years in advance of OpenWRT. Its the things the 4th router does that important and why OpenWRT is lightyears in advance of DD-WRT in every other respect.

The most important aspect of it all is "optware" or software you install in addition to the base firmware. With OpenWRT the optware component has been built by the maintainers of OpenWRT for each and every firmware and distribution. So you know when you add optware into OpenWRT on your router it was built for your router (and its kernel) and you'll generally have few problems with it (assuming you know how to use it). DD-WRT is the exact opposite of this. The optware for DD-WRT never exists as part of DD-WRT and so its been hacked-in by various community members and the problem with it is that the optware it uses is built by other people for other hardware and other distributions. This is where it gets VERY VERY messy.

Chuyển từ DD-WRT sang OpenWrt không đầy 30 phút Mount10
For example, on a tp-link wifi/router I have DD-WRT uses the OpenWRT optware resposity, which is good cause OpenWRT's repo's are very complete and contain lots of awesome software. Where this fails is kernel modules and web interfaces. OpenWRT's web interface has been built to be extendable (its called Luci i think) and so you have all these kernel modules and web interface extensions in the repo which are no use to you and wont work - more important when it comes to the kernel modules but often things just break in DD-WRT because of this.

There are a few other things I think make OpenWRT a much better choice in almost every other scenario:

No "DMZ" button - DMZ is evil, its basically a "forward all ports to this host on my network". Take a small office as an example, you could see someone doing this to their exchange server (only its probably a MS small business server) which would essentially be like plugging it straight into the net - poor choice. You can do "DMZ" on OpenWRT, its just you have to know what your doing to understand how.

IPSec - if your lucky, DD-WRT has vpnc which is a very limited implementation of IPSec (supports a very limited form of vpning) and originally there was a post on the DD-WRT forums that went like "you have openvpn, why would you need IPSec?" really? thats your answer?? That really rubbed me the wrong way because as a network person understanding why someone might use any and all vpn protocols is somewhat fundamental to different situations (like how I might use RIP, OSPF, EIGRP, ISIS or i/eBGP as a routing protocol - they all do more or less the same thing, but depending on the situation you will choose which one works for you). IPSec was the one that made me go "idiots" however cause its an important VPN protocol on the net where openvpn is not (yet). OpenWRT has openswan, stongswan and vpnc - plug just about every other type of VPN software you would use.

OpenWRT is well constructed and well thought out - it has a command line interface, the configuration is consistent and its been design from the ground up to do what OpenWRT/DD-WRT do. DD-WRT just always feels like 10 people when and took something that compiled on routers, made their own bit work and then someone just hacked the lot together - it feels very messy, and someone's attempted to hide that mess with a nice gui.

VLAN'ing - while not something alot of people who use something like OpenWRT/DD-WRT would use, vlan'ing is pretty important to us enterprise network folks. While not great, OpenWRT is at least understandable - but I have yet to ever configure DD-WRT successfully into a VLAN trunk or get VLAN's working at all. In fact, unless your doing just static routes, i've never really gotten any form of what could be called "advanced" networking working on the DD-WRT distro. DD-WRT's interface changes depends on the hardware also, which just adds to the confusion.

routing protocols - while i've seen some hardware on DD-WRT supports quagga, its inconsistent at best and very hard to use. OpenWRT isnt massively better in the "hard to use" basket, given that you use quagga on OpenWRT like you would on any other linux distro (and i like that personally), but theres no web interface for those who would like it. But Quagga is available on everything OpenWRT does (afaik).

Well, there ya go, thats my take. While I find DD-WRT is great as a "dont want to do much" how router and/or wifi AP, I typically think OpenWRT is much better in general, cleaner and built for a purpose. Again, my opinion!

Posted 8th September 2011 by PJR
DuyHung Xuất sắc

Cấp bậc: Xuất sắc

Giới tính : Nam

Bài viết : 1276

Danh vọng : 2288

Uy tín : 32

X-Wrt, is an extension of OpenWrt for the end-user

entirely free software: Floppyfw FREESCO IPCop IPFire OpenWrt Zeroshell
proprietary components: DD-WRT FRITZ!OS RouterOS SmoothWall Tomato AirOS & EdgeOS Vyatta ExtremeXOS Alliedware Plus

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